
Current Publication List

Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

9. Downie, A. T., Leis, J. M., Cowman, P. F., McCormick, M. I., & Rummer, J. L. (2021). The influence of habitat association on swimming performance in marine teleost fish larvae. Fish and Fisheries22(6), 1187-1212. DOI:

8. Downie, A. T., Phelps, C. M., Jones, R., Rummer, J. L., Chivers, D. P., Ferrari, M. C., & McCormick, M. I. (2021). Exposure to degraded coral habitat depresses oxygen uptake rate during exercise of a juvenile reef fish. Coral Reefs, 1-7. DOI:

7. Illing, B., Severati, A., Hochen, J., Boyd, P., Raison, P., Mather, R., Downie, A. T., Rummer, J. L., Kroone, F. J., & Humphrey, C. (2021). Automated flow control of a multi-lane swimming chamber for small fishes indicates species-specific sensitivity to experimental protocols. Conservation physiology9(1), coaa131. DOI:

6. Downie, A. T., Illing, B., Faria, A. M., & Rummer, J. L. (2020). Swimming performance of marine fish larvae: review of a universal trait under ecological and environmental pressure. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries30(1), 93-108. DOI:

5. Illing, B., Downie, A. T., Beghin, M., & Rummer, J. L. (2020). Critical thermal maxima of early life stages of three tropical fishes: Effects of rearing temperature and experimental heating rate. Journal of Thermal Biology90, 102582. DOI:

4. Downie, A. T., Wallace, H., Taylor, S., & Kieffer, J. D. (2018). The impact of acute salinity exposure and temperature on the survival, osmoregulation, and hematology of juvenile shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum). Canadian Journal of Zoology96(8), 913-919. DOI:

3. Downie, A. T., & Kieffer, J. D. (2017). Swimming performance in juvenile shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum): the influence of time interval and velocity increments on critical swimming tests. Conservation Physiology5(1). DOI:

2. Downie, A. T., & Kieffer, J. D. (2017). A split decision: the impact of substrate type on the swimming behaviour, substrate preference and UCrit of juvenile shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum). Environmental biology of fishes100(1), 17-25. DOI:

1. Downie, A. T., & Kieffer, J. D. (2016). The physiology of juvenile shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum) during an acute saltwater challenge. Canadian Journal of Zoology94(10), 677-683. DOI: